Massage TherapistSherwood Park

Cassandra Parton




I have always been fascinated by the human body and how it operates. This curiosity along with the drive to provide a service that helps people feel their best is what initially landed me in the massage therapy program.

After graduating from a 2200 hour RMT program at Trillium College in Ontario, I made the big move out to Alberta and never looked back.

I have a passion for providing quality treatments that are individually customized to my clients needs, whether that be relaxation and relief of soft tissue pain, stress relief, or helping to improve sports performance, muscle recovery & injuries.

My goal for each treatment is for you to leave the treatment room feeling better than when you walked in. I aim to decrease pain, tension and stress while promoting relaxation and increased range of motion.

I also strongly believe that self care is the key to maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle and hope that my treatments will aid you achieving that.