Performance Testing

Use our suite of state-of-the-art objective testing software to identify weaknesses and imbalances

How We


Performance testing is essential in rehab and training because it provides a solid foundation and takes the guesswork out of your progress. By measuring key metrics from the start, we establish a clear baseline, allowing us to understand your strengths and target areas for improvement.

Testing lets us track your progress objectively, ensuring that each phase of your program is effective and aligned with your goals. When it comes to return-to-play decisions, these insights are crucial for confirming readiness and reducing the risk of re-injury, so you can get back to performing at your best with confidence.

Our Testing


Using advanced tools and objective data, we help individuals and teams identify imbalances, track progress, guide return-to-play decisions, and reduce injury risk.

Strength & Mobility Assessment

Break down foundational movement patterns to uncover restricted joints or weaknesses. Using advanced tools like force plates and isometric dynamometry, we measure your strength, power, and identify imbalances for a precise, targeted training approach.

Pre & Post-Program Testing

With objective testing technology, we capture key metrics to track improvements in health and performance. Insights from this data allow us to monitor and drive progress, keeping your training focused and measurable.

Return to Play

When returning from injury, objective testing measures asymmetries and weaknesses to guide a safe, confident return-to-play decision, ensuring you’re ready to perform at your best.

Team Testing

We partner with teams of all ages and skill levels to establish baseline data for return-to-play and injury prevention, using these insights to tailor training programs that build resilience and enhance performance.



VALD ForceFrame

Our team uses the ForceFrame for evaluating and monitoring athletes, as well as for managing load and objectively quantifying progress over time. We can review max and average strength and compare strength ratios and imbalances in real-time.

VALD ForceDecks

ForceDecks allow us quick and easy assessment of stability, strength and movement and also enable unparalleled insights into neuromuscular performance, asymmetries and movement strategies.

Find Us.

Measure your performance in numbers at any of the following locations.
