How to correct scoliosis
Scoliosis occurs when there is a curvature in the spine, causing pain, discomfort, and observable asymmetry in the body
Although most cases of scoliosis have no known cause, some cases can be caused by trauma, neuromuscular conditions, birth defects, and increased spinal curvature with age. At The Bridge, scoliosis is treated using the Schroth Method, with the length of treatment varying depending on the severity of the curve, age of patient, and ability to perform exercises. There is no known way to prevent scoliosis from occurring; however, early screening is extremely important in discovery, diagnosis, and prevention.
What does scoliosis look like?
When scoliosis is present, one of the most obvious symptoms is an observable change in the spine, including a hump or bump on the back, torso leaning to one side, shoulder asymmetry, and hip asymmetry. Some reportable symptoms include back pain, respiratory problems, postural problems, and more.
Some of the most common symptoms of scoliosis include:
Observable curve in spine
Shoulder & hip asymmetry
Back pain
Bump on lower back
Postural problems
Shortness of breath
What causes scoliosis?
The most common cause of Scoliosis is unknown and is classified as Idiopathic Scoliosis, accounting for approximately 80% of cases. Other causes include congenital scoliosis, neuromuscular scoliosis, or other structural causes such as tumours, infections, trauma, or postoperative complications.
The most common causes of scoliosis include:
Idiopathic Scoliosis
Congenital Scoliosis (born with a curve in the back)
Neuromuscular causes (ex: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy)
Spine Injuries, Infections & Trauma
Degenerative Scoliosis (spinal curve progression with age)
What therapies are used to treat scoliosis?
At The Bridge, we treat scoliosis through a conservative treatment method known as Schroth exercise. This treatment utilizes asymmetric 3D endurance, strength training, and breathing exercises to correct posture and scoliotic curves.
The length of scoliosis treatment varies from patient to patient depending on curve type, severity, age of the patient, ability to perform rehabilitative exercises, and patient goals.
How can I prevent scoliosis pain?
The best way to manage pain from scoliosis is to first have your back assessed by an appropriate practitioner and then follow a personalized treatment plan.
Unfortunately, there is no known way to prevent scoliosis from occurring; however, early identification and treatment is essential to prevent scoliosis from progressing with age.
Maintaining good bone health, general strength, and a balanced active lifestyle will always be beneficial in keeping the spine healthy and pain-free.